
I feel free the most when I am bold. When I take up challenges which I do not know where they will take me. How is it with you?

I came to know exploring is what makes me who I am and that sets me free. My whole life has been about exploration, when I look back. l left Turkey for Germany, then for USA and then so many places more. I married and divorced, I left jobs and took others and then did nothing. I spoke up, I fought, I gave up, I let go. It was hard but it was me, I couldn’t do otherwise.

My journey of exploration has been both outwards and inwards, both equally exciting and challenging.

Exploring means you must take risks as you will be facing uncertainty. You must be able to tolerate failure. You will fall on your nose, big time, and then you must get up and continue,

Exploring also means you will possibly live experiences that others never dare to live for a life time. You may suffer or you may have the time of your life. Your call.

That is what freedom means to me. Sail free from the safe harbour as Mark Twain says. Express yourself because that is what makes you come alive. The world needs us who have come alive.

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