
I have been reading a lot about values lately. I wanted to better understand what they exactly are, how they are formed and what they do to us. Ultimately, I wanted to see what values are important to me and how they guide me in my life. To that end, I read two different books … Continue reading Rebirth

A Good Decade

I have been following Leo Babauta´s blog for a while now, it is called Zen Habits. He writes about spirituality and personal growth mostly. It is being a great friend to me. His last blog is about his reflections on his personal past decade, as well as his insights and learnings from it, which inspired … Continue reading A Good Decade


If you are like me, you also lack self-compassion. It means you do not love yourself enough and accept yourself the way you are. Probably you are also a perfectionist which goes hand in hand. Ironically, you can be a very compassionate person to others. You can feel their pain as well as pleasure, have … Continue reading Self-Compassion

Fear of Life by Alexander Lowen

"One day I read a book and my whole life changed". This is what Orhan Pamuk writes in his book "The New Life".  It is a difficult book, it cost me a lot of time and energy to understand it, if I did at all. But...Recently, I read a book.  My whole life changed. Well, … Continue reading Fear of Life by Alexander Lowen