Second Chance

A few weeks ago I went to a milonga. At the entrance as I was changing my shoes and preparing to enter the dance hall, I saw a milonguera arriving who did not see. She had a stick in her hand, carefully exploring her surroundings to find the right way. I had seen her before. … Continue reading Second Chance

Burlington Socks

Yesterday I bought a pair of Burlington socks. Again. Each pair of Burlington socks I possess give an endless amount of contentment and feeling of gratitude to me. I don’ t know if you know them. This an old British brand of socks made of wool or cotton with a specific diamond shape on both … Continue reading Burlington Socks

Our Deepest Fear

by Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a … Continue reading Our Deepest Fear


I have been reading a lot about values lately. I wanted to better understand what they exactly are, how they are formed and what they do to us. Ultimately, I wanted to see what values are important to me and how they guide me in my life. To that end, I read two different books … Continue reading Rebirth

Growing Up While Dancing

I was born into music. My dad's biggest passion was classical music. He would know every composer, every note, every symphony, he would read books, take notes. He would breath classical music. Every morning we would wake up to some beautiful recording he had started to play immediately after he woke up as the earliest … Continue reading Growing Up While Dancing

Highly Sensitive Person

Are you often times feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information that comes at you? The moods of people, the energy in the room, the sounds, the smells that you know many others do not realize. Are you distressed by crowds, jammed streets and places, clubs, loud music, large parties, contentless smalltalk? Are you aroused, … Continue reading Highly Sensitive Person